Monday 8 September 2008

New Data On Breast Imaging Using Cardiolite(R) To Be Presented At ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium

�Lantheus Medical Imaging, a worldwide leader in diagnostic imaging, proclaimed that the company's leading imaging agent, Cardiolite� (Kit for the Preparation of Technetium Tc99m Sestamibi for Injection) will be featured in a new survey on molecular breast imagination being presented on Sunday, September 7, 2008, at 7:00am -12:00pm (EDT) as part of the post horse sessions (abstract #68) at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's 2008 Breast Cancer Symposium in Washington, DC.

"This promising new study on molecular breast imaging provides encouraging data for millions of women and families who are impacted by breast genus Cancer and sheds light on potential new diagnostic approaches for finding tumors in women world Health Organization have impenetrable breast tissue, which can confound mammograms," stated Don Kiepert, president and chieftain executive officer of Lantheus Medical Imaging. "We are proud to supply the imaging broker for this important clinical effort. Breast cancer is a crushing disease and we recognize how important and valuable early spying is for women."

About Cardiolite� Breast Imaging

This imaging test is ill-used to assist in the evaluation of breast lesions in some women wHO have had an abnormal mammogram, or who have a palpable breast mass. The imaging test is not used for showing, or in place of a mammogram. In this test, a woman receives an shot of a small amount of a short-lived radioactive substance called Cardiolite�, which is interpreted up by cancer cells, and a gamma tv camera is put-upon to prevail images of the breasts.

About Cardiolite�

Cardiolite�, formerly marketed as Miraluma� for the tit cancer tomography indication, is FDA-approved for planar imaging as a second melody diagnostic drug after mammography to attend to in the evaluation of breast lesions in patients with an abnormal mammogram or a palpable breast mass. Cardiolite� is not indicated for breast crab screening, or to reassert the presence or absence of a malignancy, and is non an alternative to biopsy. Cardiolite� is also indicated for sleuthing coronary arteria disease by localizing myocardial ischemia (reversible defects) and infarction (nonreversible defects), in evaluating myocardial function and developing information for habit in patient management decisions.

Diagnostic predisposition for lesions less than 1cm. decreases. Cardiolite� has been rarely associated with acute wicked allergic events of quincke's edema and nettle rash. The virtually frequently reported adverse events include headache, breast pain (mostly associated with biopsy/surgery), nausea, and abnormal taste and olfactory perception.

About Lantheus Medical Imaging

Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc., a worldwide leader in diagnostic medication for the past 50 years, is committed to elevating and investing in the field of diagnostic imaging. The company's proved success in discovering, developing and selling innovative medical imaging agents provides an unparalleled program from which to bring forward breakthrough new tools for the diagnosis and management of disease. The company is home to leading diagnostic imaging brands, including Cardiolite� (Kit for the Preparation of Technetium Tc99m Sestamibi for Injection), DEFINITY� Vial For (Perflutren Lipid Microsphere) Injectable Suspension, and TechneLite� (Technetium Tc99m Generator) and has almost 700 employees worldwide with headquarters in North Billerica, Massachusetts, and offices in Puerto Rico, Canada, and Australia.

Lantheus Medical Imaging

View drug information on Miraluma test.

More info

Friday 29 August 2008

Jackson 5 - Jackson Family Museum On Hold

Plans to build a museum honouring pop's first gear family, the JACKSONS, in their native Gary, Indiana have been put on hold as the troubled clan fix a series of financial issues.

Longtime former family

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Vader love triangle? New chemistry in 'Clone Wars'


Darth Vader: Sith lord, murderous imperialist, deadbeat dad ... sordid old man?

The latest entrance into the "Star Wars" canon features a new, female character whose charms are not lost on Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi general on the brink of decorous the baddest bad guy the extragalactic nebula has always known.

Ahsoka Tano - world Health Organization easily out-toughs even Princess Leia in her prime - is smart, wise and skilled with a light sabre. And despite that she's merely a teen 'toon, Ahsoka kicks up more chemistry in a few scenes with the animated Vader-in-waiting than the real life Natalie Portman could muster over three whole films.

To be fair, there's zilch overt around "The Clone Wars" to indicate a relationship betwixt Ahsoka and Anakin. But whether the filmmakers intended it or not, their mutual magnetism is a presence we haven't felt since ... well, at least going back to the push-pull of Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher.

But if you idea a moon curser hooking up with a princess was inappropriate, so there's a reason to have a bad notion about this:

For starters, when Anakin meets Ahsoka, she's barely a teenager, piece he's in his other 20s. What's more, he's supposed to be her teacher. And finally, he's already secretly married to Portman's fictional character, the blue-blooded and wooden Queen Amidala.

Ahsoka first arrives in "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" in the midst of battle, announcing as she sashays down the ramp of her arriving space transport that she's to begin immediately training as Anakin's padawan. He protests at kickoff, but orders - particularly ones from Yoda - are orders.

Their clashing self-willed personalities bring forth immediate sparks. He's indisposed to the burden of an prentice; she's bore to try not but that she's worthy, simply of immediate use against the unfriendly army that's bearing down.

From there, she exhibits sufficiency battle hook and witty repartee to win over her brooding mentor - he warms quickly to the thought of having a young assistant (wHO Mark Rahner of the Seattle Times describes as "a flyspeck girl with huge eyes and a tube-top world Health Organization looks like a slutty Disney character." Fair enough).

It's not tenacious before they give each other cute, jab-in-the-ribs nicknames - he's "Sky Guy," she's "Snips" (apparently for her snippy demeanor). They spend most of the film toting around a rescued babe, making veiled parenting jokes along the way. Their petty competitions devolve into mutual concern, rescue and more post-traumatic bonding.

Not since David and Maddie delicately danced the love-hate line on "Moonlighting" have two people - or in this shell, a person and a pint-sized mechanical man alien known as a Togruta - stirred up so very much tension by outwardly avoiding it.

Even Yoda hints early on that Anakin, wHO already has issues with attachment, could have difficulty letting go of his apprentice when the time comes.

And by the way, where does this leave Amidala?

The antiseptic queen finally arrives later in the movie, long after you've wondered what she was up to while Anakin was chasing across the stars with an extraterrestrial being Lolita. And sure sufficiency, the animated Amidala hews to Portman's dead-eyed insurance policy wonk, drone on around treaty negotiations and interplanetary trade routes while Anakin and Asokah treat bad guys to a light saber's bite and craft barbs.

A fibre like Asokah, voiced by Ashley Eckstein (wife of major leaguer David Eckstein, who's too diminutive, plaguey, handy with a stick and frustratingly difficult to root against) would've disposed some much-needed emotional juice to the romantically DOA "Star Wars" prequels.

Instead, she's relegated to the critically bashed alive appetizer before the Cartoon Network demo coming this fall. And since "The Clone Wars" is impacted between episodes two and three, her disappearance before "Revenge of the Sith" will accept to be reconciled.

Maybe she and Anakin keep it clean, she learns all she bathroom from him and returns to her home planet of Shili to become the Togrutan equivalent of "Hanna Montana." But unmatchable can't help but curiosity if a second prohibited love adds some speed to the dark descent of Anakin Skywalker.

More info

Saturday 9 August 2008

DJ Virus and Blutonium boy

DJ Virus and Blutonium boy   
Artist: DJ Virus and Blutonium boy



Blutonium 068   
 Blutonium 068

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 2


Tuesday 1 July 2008

Five For Fighting

Five For Fighting   
Artist: Five For Fighting

   Rock: Pop-Rock


Two Lights   
 Two Lights

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 10

The Battle For Everything   
 The Battle For Everything

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 12

Message for Albert   
 Message for Albert

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 12

American Town   
 American Town

Tracks: 12


Wednesday 25 June 2008

Paramount Hits A Peak

Suddenly Paramount, a whipping boy among the major studios as it perennially came in last or near last when yearly earnings were disclosed, is now whipping everybody in sight. It is doing so with just three films, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Iron Man and Cloverfield, which, according to Bloomberg News, account for 70 percent of the studio's revenue this year. The studio has so far taken in $823 million in North America.

See Also

Monday 16 June 2008

Nitin Mukesh

Nitin Mukesh   
Artist: Nitin Mukesh



Tara Rani Ki Amar Katha   
 Tara Rani Ki Amar Katha

Tracks: 1


Duff To Head Search For New Broadway Star